This is how you recover from a Burnout

Auteur developingpeople

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New research cooperations

Soon after our first studies were finished in august 2017, we continued with the social environment topic. Now applying research from the perspective of someone with a burnout. Next to our ongoing cooperation with the Applied Psychology department, we extended… Verder lezen →

Start of a succesful research cooperation

In August 2017 BurningBack has succesfully finalized the first researches that started our cooperation at the beginning of the year with Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. To develop the BurningBack method more insight has been created in burnout repetition prevention,… Verder lezen →

How we develop the method

BurningBack has the ambition to deliver a method that helps people to recover from a burnout as effectively as possible. We do this evidence based, integrating scientific evidence, professional experience and the needs of people with a burnout & their direct social… Verder lezen →

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